On our way to Pismo Beach last Thursday we stopped in Santa Barbara for dinner. We thought we would go to a nouveau sushi restaurant we found there last time we visited called Arigato Sushi and arrived at 6:40 pm--on the early side by LA standards. However, Arigato was already hopping and required a half hour wait which we would have done if we didn't have to drive another 120 miles that evening.
Instead, we took off on foot looking for another acceptable restaurant in the area. First we found the Tupelo Junction Cafe where live music was playing. I walked around the restaurant and decided that the smells (hay or maybe even manure), sights (fried chicken floating in gelatinous gravy on a mound of mashed potatoes) and sounds (a band of disheveled gents playing a bad mixture of country and bluegrass) were more than I could take so we went back out looking for another place. Our next stop was a Danish restaurant which also did not appeal. We also looked at a Thai restaurant that was completely empty so thought the better of that. Then we crossed the street to look at a "bar and grill" which was decorated like a glorified Denny's but with much higher prices. At this point, two blocks and 20 minutes later, my husband was quite frustrated with my nixing everything. He huffed off toward the car, threatening to drive to Pismo Beach without any food. I limped behind wimpering that I was hungry, just not hungry enough to compromise my standards that evening.

All in all, the dinner was a great outcome after a dicey start.
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