So what have I been doing? Watching TV, reading magazines and generally, as my friend Carol said about herself, whimpering a lot. I spend a lot of time just in quietude trying to live in the moment. And some of the TV and reading I have done looks at psychological process for addressing negative thoughts which, of course, tend to fly around when you have cancer.
One show I watched on PBS was Daniel Amen's Magnificent Mind At Any Age. In the show, Amen talks about his idea that you can defeat automatic negatives thoughts (cutely called ANTS) by addressing four questions. A blog by Walter Reade lays out these questions:
Here’s a technique that Dr. Amen gives to help you decide whether or not you should believe these thoughts. Ask yourself these four questions:
Is the thought true?
Can I absolutely know that it’s true?
How do I react when I believe that thought?
Who would I be without the thought? Or how would I feel if I didn’t have the thought?
Once you answer the four questions, take the original thought and completely turn it around to its opposite (for example, “I’ll never be successful” becomes “I will be successful”) and ask yourself the same four questions!
Yesterday I was reading an article in Oprah Magazine by a woman with stage 4 breast cancer who interviewed a woman named Byron Katie. Interestingly Byron Katie also has four questions to address negative thoughts. From her website :
The Four Questions
In its most basic form, The Work consists of four questions and a turnaround. For example, the first thought that you might question on the above Worksheet is "Paul doesn't listen to me." Find someone in your life about whom you have had that thought, and let's do The Work. "[Name] doesn't listen to me":
Then turn it around (the concept you are questioning), and don't forget to find three genuine, specific examples of each turnaround.
Look familiar? Interestingly, Katie claims to have created these four questions, which she calls "The Work" in 1986. She also claims to have discovered The Work all at once as a revelation which transformed her. Amen on the other hand seems to have come more recently to these 4 questions. I am not aware whether he credits Katie for the questions in his books. He does not in his lectures for PBS. And it would appear from his CV that he was studying hypnosis in 1986.
Leaving aside the origins of the 4 questions, it would seem that both of these people are part of the positive thinking movement that Barbara Ehrenreich disdains. (See my December 6 blog entry ) I am a bit more sympathetic to positive thinking these days since negativity does not help when you have cancer. I just think you need to be realistic. Positive thoughts may not stop my cancer (notwithstanding what the Wellness Community believes) but it will make my life more in the present, no matter how much time I have left. Under the circumstances, I am not sure I can do anything else.
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